
オルジアティのヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ出展作品は「Pictographs—Statement of contemporary architects.」という名前で、現代の建築家から自分の想像のルーツとなっている写真を集めたものだったそうです。妹島さんとか、いろんな建築家が参加しています。ドイツの出版社QUARTからそれをまとめた書籍が販売されるようです。
A Daily Dose of Architecture: The Images of Architects

「The Images of Architects edited by Valerio Olgiati」

I asked architects to send me important images that show the basis of their work. Images that are in their head when they think. Images that show the origin of their architecture.

In this book we find 44 individual "musées imaginaires". The most unique architects living today each present up to 10 images to explain the autobiographical roots of their oeuvre. The images are explanations, metaphors, foundations, memories and intentions. They are poetic and philosophical avowals. They reveal a personal perspective on thoughts. They show the roots of architecture and expectations concerning projects. Conscious and unconscious.

This book has the format of a reader. As little as possible is said. The images are small, legible and interpretable as icons. As individual collections, they present a personal view of an individual world, while as a whole they provide a universal view of the perceptible origin of contemporary architecture.

Valerio Olgiati
