A Daily Dose of Architecture: Viral Voices
Viral Voices: Global Discussions will explore the impact that social media, technology and device culture are having on our design process, and ultimately the way we practice. How do we shape a global conversation? How are we changing the relationships between academia and the profession? What is the impact of hyper information sharing and critique? Throughout the evening, the topics of communication, research, collaboration, and data distribution will be addressed and debated.
ソーシャルメディアに限らず技術の進化がいかに建築・建築学に影響を与えるのかを考えるシンポジウムが、NYで行われるようです。パネラーもかなりweb色が強く、archdaily、WIRED MAGAZINE、eVOLO、INHABITATといった建築まとめサイトのアルファブロガーが勢揃いです。これは行きたい!
Viral Voices: Global Dialogues
When: Thursday, May2, 6:30-10pm
Where: Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY
Cost: Free (RSVP required)←事前に予約の連絡をください、の意味らしいです。